The Dresser Auditions

**UPDATE:. There will be an audition for ‘Irene’ on October 25th at 5:45pm at the TK building.**

Auditions for “The Dresser” by Ronald Harwood will be held October 17th and 18th, 2019 at 6:30pm.

Callbacks are on October 20th, 2019.

Location: Theatre Kent Buildiing

This will be Theatre Kent’s WODL entry.

Based on the author’s own experiences as dresser to Sir Donald Wolfit, this bracing, heartbreaking drama is an elegy to a by-gone era. Backstage at a theatre in the English provinces during WWII, Sir, the last of the great breed of English actor/managers, is in a bad way tonight, as his dresser Norman tries valiantly to prepare him to go on stage as King Lear. Unsure of his lines as well as who and where he is supposed to be, Sir is adamantly determined to roar his last. With Herculean effort on the part of Norman, Sir finally makes it on stage and through the performance no thanks to an air raid courtesy of the Luftwaffe.

Directed by Karen Robinet
Stage Manager: Gene Lusk
Assistant Director: Cade Robinet

If you are interested in joining the production crew, please let us know personally or by using the Contact page.

Cast Requirements:
Norman – middle aged or older
Her Ladyship – middle aged
Madge – middle aged
Sir – middle aged or older
Irene – late teens, early 20s
Geoffrey Thornton – older
Mr. Oxenby – 30s or 40s
Two Knights

​Note: All actors will be required to learn/use English accents. The roles of Norman and Sir are heavily demanding in terms of line load.

Performed at the Chatham Cultural Centre :
February 6, 2020 7:30pm
February 7, 2020 7:30pm
February 8, 2020 7:30pm

Ian McKellen and Anthony Hopkins are seen here in the BBC production of The Dresser.