Congratulations to The Dresser

The cast and production team of “The Dresser”

Congratulations to all who received honours in the Western Ontario Drama League today!

A special congratulations goes out to the following two categories that featured winners from our out of festival entry, The Dresser:

The Theatre Sarnia Memorial Award—Sponsor Theatre Sarnia in memory of Don Poore – Outstanding Performance in a Major Role:
Dan White as Norman in The Dresser – Theatre Kent

The Christopher Covert Memorial Award—Sponsors Audrey Hummelen and Marie Prout Outstanding Cameo Appearance:
Tom Coatsworth as Geoffrey Thornton (Lear’s Fool) in The Dresser – Theatre Kent

Theatre Kent also received nominations for:

The Kay McKie Memorial Award—Sponsor Bruce McKie Best Production Out-of-Festival:
The Dresser – Theatre Kent

The Christopher Covert Memorial Award—Sponsors Audrey Hummelen and Marie Prout Outstanding Cameo Appearance:
Cade Robinet as Mr. Oxenby in The Dresser – Theatre Kent