Don’t Miss ‘I Never Saw Another Butterfly’

Group of children.
Cast of ‘I Never Saw Another Butterfly’. (Not pictured – our guards, Sam Enzlin and Jack Biskey)

These are the incredible young thespians who are bringing to life the true story of the inspiring teacher, Irena Synkova and child survivor, Raja Englanderova during Remembrance Week at the Kiwanis Theatre.

Several hundred CK students will be treated to this powerful story during our matinees. Evening performances, as well as a Saturday Matinee, are available for the general public to come and remember with us, the beautiful lives, stories, artwork and poetry created by the children of the Holocaust.

You don’t want to miss this!

Please help us fill the Kiwanis Theatre with those who will not forget what must never happen again. An incredible piece for such a time as this.

Kiwanis Theatre:
November 9 & 10, 2023 @ 7PM
November 11, 2023 @ 2PM and @ 7PM