Annual General Meeting 2022

Theatre Kent’s Annual AGM

Saturday Sept 10th 2022 at 4:30pm.
Location: 232 Chatham St. N., Blenheim ON

It’s Election Year! Every other year, Theatre Kent holds an open election for the board of directors. As of this writing TK’S Board consists of:

Chair: Tony Erdelyi
Vice Chair Administration: Steven Reinhardus
Vice Chair Finance: Tim Luimes
Vice Chair Production: Christine Baribeau
Publicity Chair: Linda Schinkel
Building manager/Technical Chair: Bill Presant.
Past President: Eric Bristow.
Training and Education Chair: Vacant.

At this time all board members have indicated their intention to run for another term, with 3 exceptions.

Linda Schinkel will not return as publicity chair in the next season, but is choosing to remain with the board and will run for the Training and Education Chair.

Bill Presant will be stepping down from the Building Manager/Technical Chair.

Also, Eric Bristow will be taking a hiatus from any TK board duties.

I would like to thank everyone for their time spent working on the TK board.

The following are the nominations for the 2022-2024 Theatre Kent Board of Directors.

Chair: Tony Erdelyi
Vice Chair Administration: Steven Reinhardus
Vice Chair Finance: Tim Luimes
Vice Chair Production: Christine Baribeau
Publicity Chair: Open/no nominee
Building manager/Technical Chair: Open/no nominee
Training and Education Chair: Linda Schinkel

All positions are open to anyone interested. Nominations will be accepted until August 12th 2022. In the case where a position has yet to have a nomination, we will receive any new nominees until the day of the AGM.

Anyone interested in joining our board, please contact Tony Erdelyi at